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President Instructs Construction of Homes for Soldiers


President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said he has instructed the Ministers of Finance, Defense and the Indonesian Armed Forces commander to improve the welfare of soldiers, including providing them with homes.

“An official home is very important for the soldiers in carrying out their duty,” said the President in his speech during the Indonesian Armed Forces’65th anniversary event at the Halim Perdana Kusuma Air Force Base in Jakarta yesterday.

President Yudhoyono also hopes the housing savings program for the soldiers can be continued and managed properly.

“Convince them that they can pay for their house installments so that when they retire, they can have their own home that suits their financial capacity,” he said.

The President also instructed the government to draft a policy providing welfare for the soldiers that is in line with their tasks. “Give incentives to soldiers assigned at border areas, remote regions and the frontline islands of the country,” he said.

The Indonesian Armed Forces’ Information Center Chief, Maj. Gen. Aslizar Tanjung, welcomed the President’s instruction. “Improving the welfare of soldiers is very important,” he said yesterday.

According to Aslizar, where the soldiers live after they retire is an important matter. “It provides them with security after they complete their duty,” he said.

Aslizar said that with this sense of security, the soldiers operational synergy can be raised.

• TEMPO Interactive

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