Indonesia — Greenpeace today applauded the Indonesian President Yudhoyono's commitment to a moratorium on forest and peatland clearance, in advance of the governments of Indonesia and Norway signing a $1 billion deal in Oslo to develop the necessary capacity to implement strategies to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD)."Greenpeace welcomes President Yudhyono's announcement of a moratorium on deforestation and peatland clearance on the eve of this historic deal. We expect that, on his return to Jakarta, he will immediately impose a presidential decree to stop all conversion of peatlands and forests, which would include both existing and new concession permits." said Bustar Maitar, Greenpeace South East Asia Forest Team Leader.
President Yudhoyono committed to the moratorium at a joint press conference with Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg a day before the Norwegian Forest and Climate Conference in Oslo begins.
"President SBY must also go into these forest and climate negotiations with some clear action points. Transparent and participatory mechanisms must be set up to ensure the funds flow in the right direction and safeguards established to protect biodiversity and Indigenous peoples rights. Furthermore, we must ensure that the emissions reductions that result are measured against how much deforestation is happening currently, not against future predictions of forest loss," said Yuyun Indradi, Greenpeace Southeast Asia, Political Advisor.
"Greenpeace believes that any deal to reduce deforestation must be designed to ensure action at the national level and not focus on individual protection projects. REDD funding should target the protection of intact and other natural forest, including peatland, because preventing their destruction has the greatest potential for reducing GHG emissions. The funding must not support the development of agricultural or monoculture plantations or subsidise the expansion of industrial logging and agri-business."
"A two-year moratorium gives President Yudhoyono a great start for Indonesia to meet their emissions reduction targets of 41% with international assistance. Now we need to act quickly and we are looking to President SBY for decisive implementation on the ground to stop current forest and peatland destruction by the pulp and paper, palm oil and mining industries." concluded Indradi. (
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