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President Asks Indonesian Armed Forces to Help the Police Fight Terrorism


President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono asked the Indonesian Armed Forces to help the Police in fighting terrorism, the scourge and enemy of everyone.

“The country must win the fight against terrorism,” said Yudhoyono in his speech during the Indonesian Armed Forces’ 65th anniversary commemoration yesterday at Halim Perdana Kusumah Air Force Base in Jakarta. Therefore, the President stressed, there should be a synergy between the Armed Forces and the Police. “All personnel in the provinces must be more active,” he said. “We need the Armed Forces and Police’s quick action.”

Last month, National Police Chief Gen. Bambang Hendarsa Danuri also announced the need to involve the Armed Forces to fight terrorism. As such, the police is expected to collaborate with the Armed Forces’ anti-terror units like Denjaka, Den Bravo, and Sat-81 Gultor in their operations.

Armed Forces chief Gen. Djoko Santoso, before he was replaced by Agus Suhartono last week, said that he was ready to act on the police’s plan. “The Indonesian Armed Forces is ready anytime. If they ask our assistance today, we can deploy it right away,” he said.

Terrorist acts are still happening in the country. Two weeks ago, an armed group attacked the Police Base at Hamparan Perak, Medan. The incident killed three local police officers. According to the police, the attackers were those involved in the CIMB Niaga Bank robbery in mid August.

As of Thursday last week, the police still seek the armed group hiding in the Dolok Masihul plantation area in Serdang Bedagai, Medan. “The team is still there chasing them,” said Brig.Gen I Ketut Untung Yoga, Public Relations Bureau chief, yesterday.

During the pursuit, six terrorist suspects were killed, namely Taufik Hidayat, Zulkarnain, Oji Syahputra, Alex alias Asep, Dedi, and Rahmad, killed by a grenade. Suspects who have been arrested with shot wounds and those who turned themselves in areAzwar Dedi alias Robin Simanjuntak, Abdul Gani Siregar, and M. Chair alias Buston.

Yesterday the National Police headquarters confirmed that the weapons confiscated from Taufik Hidayat was identical with the one used in the CIMB Niaga Bank robbery and in the police attack in Hamparan Perak.

The results came following ballistic tests conducted by the North Sumatra Police’s Forensic Laboratory. The police later confirmed that the same weapons killed a Mobile Brigade member and three more police officers at Hamparan Perak Police Station.

In the meantime, the Mobile Brigade in Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra yesterday combed the areas in Martebing Village in Dolok Masihul, after the local people reported they heard a cry for help.

“There was a power shut down at that time,” said a local villager, Bukhari, 51. On Tuesday morning, he and a friend found blood tracks on a path in the village. The Mobile Brigade was convinced it was the blood of one of the armed group. But the police have not caught the man.

• TEMPO Interactive

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