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Yudhoyono: Asia`s diversity is source of power

SBY PRESIDENCY. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called on all governments in Asia to treat the region`s diversity as a source of power.

"No government must impose uniformity on its people," he said when opening the 4th Asian Parliamentary Assembly here on Tuesday.

He said all governments must continue to respect pluralism, differences of opinion and the trust given by their citizens.

"With a continent as rich in cultural diversity as Asia, Asian parliaments must continue to cooperate to increase their appreciation for the diversity," he said.

He said as a regional organization of lawmakers the Asian Parliamentary Assembly must not only be important for strengthening democracy in the region but also for assuring that the system could help produce peace, welfare and progress.

"I believe with regard to safeguarding democracy the parliaments and all their members would continue to develop and be more sensitive to national, regional as well as international realities," he said.

He said every government must understand that a parliament is a political institution resulting from a democratic process.

Therefore, he said, development of parliaments and development of democracy were closely related.

"However, we must also understand that development of democracy in every country is different due to different cultural, traditional and historical backgrounds and other characteristics unique to the countries concerned," he said.

He said the Asian Parliamentary Assembly needed to continue to understand the uniquemess of democracy in its member countries.

President Yudhoyono said the parliament and the government had to engage all people with regard to achieving the future.

"We must never forget that the people`s voice is the voice of God. No development programs will be successful unless they are rooted in the community. On the other hand any efforts that reflect the people`s aspirations will always be successful in spite of all the challenges," he said.

Around 200 invitees attended the opening of the conference (ANTARA News)


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